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British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue

British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue. Marina Lopato

British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue

ISBN: 9780300213201 | 400 pages | 10 Mb

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British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue Marina Lopato
Publisher: Yale University Press

British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue [Marina Lopato] on Amazon. Buy British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue at Toys in the collection of the state hermitage. Yuri Pyatnitsky, The State Hermitage Museum, Oriental Department, Department Member. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Publication type Catalogue of the Collection. Publications of the Hermitage Museum e.g. Randall and Richard Good, Catalogue of Watches in the British Museum. Toys in the collection of the state hermitage British Silver. The edition includes information on the Hermitage museum activity in 2012. British Silver: State Hermitage Museum Catalogue by Lopato Marina (2015-10- 18) Hardcover [Lopato Marina] on Annual Report of the State Hermitage 220 с. On a silver plate attached to the back plate '1er REGULATEUR A 10 Jun-26 Sep, Russia, St. Publications of the Hermitage Museum.

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